The Journey

Lee Wilson learned the power of purpose early in life. Growing up in the inner-city of Houston, Texas, Lee witnessed the profound effects of poverty. He vowed to live his life differently and to make a change. 

Today, Lee is the founder of Lee Wilson Ministries, a non-profit organization that provides marriages, church and leadership ministry leaders and students with experiences that provide a path to purpose. Motivated by his personal experiences, Lee has made it his life’s mission to empower people to define their God-given purpose. Lee believes that with purpose, anyone can live with intention. 

Lee has served as Lead Pastor, Youth Pastor, Executive Pastor, and is the founder of the Face2Face National Youth Conference, NexGen podcast, Life on Purpose tour and the NexGen Academy. Lee has spoken in over 200 cities in the United States, as well as in Africa, Asia, Central America and Europe. He and his wife Tonya have two adult daughters, Alexis and Jordan.

The Author

If purpose is never defined, change is never discovered. That’s why Lee wrote Map Your Life, a book that helps you get from where you are to where you want to be. It’s designed as an easy-to-follow guide to get you from HERE to THERE  in whatever area of life you desire, but especially in the area of discovering your God-given purpose.


Known for his authenticity and humor, Lee connects with relevant and powerful messages on a diverse range of cultural and biblical topics. Lee ministers to all ages. His ability to impact his audience with wisdom and truth communicates God’s word in a way that people never forget. Invite Lee Wilson to speak at your next event.